At times we have all been there cruising down the highway when suddenly a tiny Pebble or a rock hits your windshield. At first you don’t think much of it but over time the small chip or crack can grow into something much more serious. Now at the back of your mind you might be wondering will car insurance cover a cracked windshield or not. Well you are on the right page as you can learn everything about the car insurance coverage here.
Will Car Insurance Cover a Cracked Windshield?
First things first the answer will depend on the type of coverage you have. If you have comprehensive coverage as a part of your current insurance policy you are likely to be covered for windshield damage. Comprehensive insurance is especially designed to cover damage to your car that is not caused by a collision. It includes incidents like vandalism, falling debris or even animals causing damage to your car. A cracked or broken windshield caused by something like a rock hitting it while driving typically falls under comprehensive coverage. In most cases comprehensive coverage will cover the cost to repair or replace or cracked windshield without you having to pay the deductible especially if the crack is small or considered a chip.
No doubt collision coverage will pay for damage to your car resulting from a crash; it typically does not cover windshield damage caused due to rock or debris collision coverage is only applicable when the windshield damage is a direct result of a crash , like when you hit a tree or another vehicle. If your windshield is cracked as a result of non collision incident collision coverage cannot help you.
Liability insurance will cover the damage that you caused to other people or their property in an accident. Will not cover damage to your own vehicle like windshield damage. So if you have liability insurance but no comprehensive coverage you are likely to be responsible for the cost of repairs.
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Will Insurance Pay for Replacement of Cracked Windshields?
Now that you know the different types of insurance might cover a cracked windshield you need to understand whether insurance actually pays for the repair. The answer is yes but there are some important things that you need to keep in mind. If your windshield has a small chip or crack many insurance policies will cover the cost of repair instead of a complete replacement. Repairing a windshield is generally less expensive so insurers prefer to repair if the damage is minor. In some cases if the damage is larger or in a critical area the windshield might need to be replaced. In such cases comprehensive coverage will often cover the complete replacement cost minus any applicable deductible.
One of the most common questions that you would have is whether the deductible applies here or not. If you have comprehensive coverage the deductible will usually apply to the repair or the replacement costs. Some insurance companies also offer zero deductible or non deductible options for windshield repairs or replacements especially if the damage is minor.
Does Car Insurance Cover Cracked Windshields?
It’s important to know that coverage laws are likely to vary by state. In some states insurance companies are required to offer specific coverage for windshield repairs or replacements. Some states also have no deductible windshield repair laws. For example if you live in a state like Florida your insurer might be required to cover windshield repairs or replacements with more deductible or comprehensive claims. In other states your insurer might not be required to cover the repair expenses or waive the deductible so you just need to check the specificity of your policy and state laws.
Tips To Prevent Windshield Damage
No doubt having insurance coverage for windshield damage is important but preventing damage from occurring in the 1st place is even better. You should always avoid tailgating large trucks or vehicles with the loose president that could hit your windshield. Keep your windshield in good condition by regularly cleaning it and also checking it for small chips that could turn into cracks. At the same time if you notice a small chip in your windshield have it repaired as soon as possible to prevent it from going into a larger track.
Above all you need to know that you have car insurance that can cover the cost of a cracked windshield especially if you have comprehensive coverage. It’s important for you to review your policy and check whether your deductible applies to windshield repairs or replacements. You might also want to look into standalone windshield repair policies if you are concerned about the cost. Just remember the best way to handle windshield damages is by acting quickly and getting minor chips repaired as soon as possible to prevent any further damage. And if you are unsure about your coverage don’t hesitate to connect with your insurance company to clarify the details.