What is Comprehensive Car Insurance?

Car insurance can be really confusing with its different terms and conditions. Among the different types of coverage comprehensive car insurance truly stands out as one of the most talked about options. But what exactly is comprehensive car insurance And how much does comprehensive insurance cover cost. In this guide you can learn everything about comprehensive car insurance in simple terms.

What do you need to know about comprehensive car insurance?

Before you learn comprehensive full coverage or not you need to understand the basics. Comprehensive car insurance is often known as comp. It refers to a type of insurance that covers damage to your vehicle caused due to events that are not related to collisions. In simple terms it includes protection for your car from things like theft, vandalism , natural disasters, fire falling objects, animal collisions. Unlike liability insurance which just pays for damages you caused to others, comprehensive car insurance is all about protecting your car from unexpected events.

What does comprehensive insurance cover?

Besides understanding what is comprehensive deductible   You also need to understand what it covers. The amount comprehensive insurance covers will depend on your policy. Typically it covers the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle up to its current market value. It is also known as the actual cash value. For example if your car is worth around $15,000 and a tree falls on it your insurer will pay you for the repairs or for the replacement up to $15,000 minus your deductibles. At the same time if the repairs exceed the value of your car your insurance might declare it as a complete loss and reimburse you for the current value of your car.

The things which are covered under comprehensive insurance include theft where your car is stolen comprehensive insurance can reimburse you for its value. Damages like broken windows or spray paint caused due to vandals are also covered. Events like hurricanes, floods and hail storms are included. If you hit a deer or another animal, comprehensive cover will repair the costs. Damage from falling tree branches or debris is also included in this insurance. Furthermore losses caused due to fire or explosions are covered. Hail lighting and other extreme weather conditions are also covered under comprehensive coverage so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Is comprehensive insurance full coverage?

It is one of the most common misconceptions that you would have. No doubt comprehensive insurance is a big part of a complete coverage but it is not the same as full coverage. Full coverage generally refers to a combination of some elements. For example liability insurance will cover the damage to those if you are at fault in an accident. Collision coverage will cover damages to your car in case of a collision with another vehicle or object. Comprehensive insurance will cover non collision related damages. If you only have comprehensive insurance you are not completely protected against accidents involving collisions. For true full coverage you need to pair comprehensive with other types of insurance including collision and liability.

What is a comprehensive deductible?

Deductible is actually the amount of  money that you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. For example if you have a $500 deductible and your car sustains $3000 worth of damage you will pay around $500 and your insurer will cover the rest $2500. So you can just choose your deductible amount whenever you buy your policy. Lower deductibles mean you pay less out of pocket in case of claim but your monthly premiums are likely to be really higher. On the flip side higher deductible lowers your premium but increases your out of pocket expenses during the claim.

Read Also: What is a Deductible in Car Insurance?

Do I need comprehensive insurance?

At the back of your mind you might be wondering if you need comprehensive insurance or not. Well the answer depends on your situation.

The value of your car

If your car is older and not worth much the cost of comprehensive insurance is likely to outweigh the benefits. For new or more valuable cars comprehensive insurance can be a smart investment.

Where you live

Do you live in an area prone to natural disasters or hurricanes? Is car theft common in your neighborhood? If you are in a high risk area then comprehensive insurance is your best bet as it can give you a peace of mind.

Your finances

Can you afford to repair or replace the car if it is damaged or stolen? Comprehensive insurance can truly save you from a lot of out of pocket expenses in such scenarios so it is truly worth it.

Lender requirements

If you are financing or leasing your car your lender might require you to carry comprehensive insurance as a part of your agreement.  

how do i know if i have comprehensive coverage

  • If you are unsure about whether you have comprehensive coverage or not you can checklist the following.
  • Firstly you need to look for a section labeled comprehensive or comp coverage.
  • You must call your insurer and ask them directly.
  • Comprehensive coverage will usually be itemized as a separate line on the premium statement. So you need to review your monthly premiums.

Pros and cons of comprehensive insurance


It provides you protection against events outside your control. It is especially useful in high risk areas. The best part is that you can choose a deductible that aligns with your budget.


Comprehensive coverage can increase your costs. It might not always be worth it for older or low value cars.

Tips for getting the best insurance

  • you need to compare quotations from multiple insurers to find the best deals.
  • You can consider combining auto insurance with other policies like home insurance. This will help you save money.
  • You should always choose a deductible that balances affordable premiums with manageable out of pocket expenses.
  • A plenty of insurers offer discounts for things like safe driving or installing anti-theft devices.

So above all you need to know that comprehensive car insurance is a valuable form of coverage that protects your car from a huge range of one collision related damages. No doubt it’s not the same as full coverage but it plays a very important role in keeping you financially protected. Whether you are deciding if you need comprehensive insurance or trying to understand your policy, knowing what it covers or how it works is really important. If you are still unsure, consider reaching out to your insurance provider or an expert for personalized advice. Just remember having the right coverage can make a world of a difference when the unexpected happens.

About Author
Kevin M Edwards is an investing writer who join My Car My Gf in 2024. He covers a wide variety of investing topics including car insurance, and financial advice to save bucks on cars. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo Finance, and MarketWatch.

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